Monday 9 January 2012

Healthy eating costs major dollars!

It's January, so like the rest of the world right now I am on a diet! I might not be very good at it, but I am trying. In my quest to get down to a size 10 (this may be a bit unrealistic because of my bone structure) I have been converted to eating rabbit food and cutting out all of the things I love.... well kind of anyway.

So buying my lovely little Tatiana (my tatty little Polo) has left me somewhat penniless so in an attempt to save some dollar I have been buying in food from Tesco that I can make my own lunches with. As I have for the past few months cut out bread this has lead to a huge challenge to find something that I can have for lunch being as my diet used to consist of toast for breakfast and sandwiches or soups and bread for lunch. I have now taken to eating salad every day. Anybody who knows me will understand that this is a huge change for me as I used to be the world's biggest salad dodger!

It's not actually my food of choice which bothers me. I've actually developed quite a taste for salad. However, if you're looking to make a tasty, crispy salad you're actually looking at quite a hefty bill from the supermarket.

The other day I'd decided to be a lazy moo and drive to work because it was blowing a gale outside. I obviously did not wish to fly away so I decided that rather than take a short drive to work, walk to Tesco and then walk back to the office, getting rather windswept along the way I would drive to the new Tesco Express just outside town.

Sadly, they didn't sell my usual side salad box with everything that I'd usually need so I had to buy a bag of lettuce, peppers and tomatoes all separately costing me £6 as opposed to my usual £1 per box. I know that I shouldn't moan as this was enough for two days lunch but I will not eat salad with nothing on it.

My favourite salad at the moment is sweet chilli chicken - actually amazing, try it! I have never noticed how expensive grilled chicken is before! £5 for two packs.... or just the one for £3.20. Being me I went for the offer, but this took my bill up to £11 - for two lunches that's quite expensive. Part of me is so tempted to go back to my £2 microwave meals, sandwiches or soup and bread but none of these options will help me to achieve my size 10 dream.... and I may not ever get there but I'm going to at least try!

PS. Suffering from major food envy right now.... there is nothing exciting about a salad when your colleague is sat next to you munching on a curry!