Wednesday 13 April 2011

Guess who's back.... show week!!!!!

Ok so we're back to the blog with the latest update on my life and spending. I am happy to report that in the past few months I have been able to stabilise my finances - one store card has been paid off and I am no longer dipping into my overdraft way beyond it's means at the end of the month. This has meant that I am a whole £400 richer per month which is amazing!

So now that I am better off financially I now need to learn how to make it go further and save.... hense starting on the blog again. I will hopefully find the time to write it up as the last few months have been mental! I think we've pretty much had something on every weekend and then when I think I'm not doing anything (a la last weekend) they end up being the most manic of them all!!!!!

April so far has been super duper fun but uber expensive what with our trip to see Kylie, Barbs' birthday trip to Hooters and a few bits of general spending. I seem to think that I am rich when I am really not.... this especially happens when I have had a little bit too much to drink, £6.50 cocktail anyone?! This week is Jesus Christ Superstar show week and I've been looking forward to it for weeks.... especially to my lovely week off! Just my luck that on the opening night I come down with a dose of ladyflu.... vunderbar! It might sound like I'm being dramatic but it takes quite a lot to take me down - I'm the girl that lived with appendicitus for a fortnight - I feel lousy!

In an attempt to beat the yukiness of my ladyflu I have pretty much vedged out all day watching E4 and Steel Magnolias in my jim jams. I usually spend my days off on show week baking (Betty Crocker special) cakes and cookies for the cast but I don't want to pass on my germs to them. However, I did make it into town to purchase an industrial pack of tissues (68p) and cold + flu tablets (£1) from Wilkinson and some cough syrup from Boots (£4.07). I am very tempted to down the cough syrup to stop me from barking like a dog.... possibly not my best idea though!

So anyway.... that is all that I have done today. Now I plan to make myself a cup of tea and watch some more trash TV for an hour before I get ready for another round of Jesus Christ Superstar. Need to pay for the aftershow meal on Friday tonight - we are going to Pizza Express, yummy - so that'll be another £14.75 spent but I'm hoping not to spend anymore!

For anyone who is coming to see the show tonight (or last night for that matter) my high notes are just not coming out - I am a saprano - so at points I may be miming or taking it down to alto.... very sorry I can't help it!

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