Thursday 30 December 2010

Day 6 part 2: A morning of fasting!

Whilst I've been off I appear to have been particularly stupid and have forgotten to turn off my alarm that usually wakes me up at 7.15am for work. So this morning my alarm goes off, leaving me wide awake.... incredibly annoying when you haven't actually got to be anywhere for a few hours. Despite the fact that I have eaten my body weight at Saz's the night before I am absolutely starving.

Under any normal circumstances I would potter on downstairs and make some toast to take back to bed or raid the remaining Christmas chocs that we haven't already scoffed. However, this is not the case today as I am due to have my monthly blood test at the hospital and am therefore allowed to eat nothing! You can actually go down for blood to be taken from 8.15am-11am but I haven't arranged to meet Nicola for lunch until 12noon so I figure there's no point in me going into town only to come back again.... or even worse spend lots of time loitering around the shops and all my money with it. So I sit in bed watching whatever happens to be on E4.... luckily it's One Tree Hill, 90210 and Friends, all of which I love.

I soon decide that it's about time I got out of bed and get myself sorted to go down into town so to get my day started I whack a bit of Cee Lo Green on, the not so family version of Forget You is a belter to get a girl going in the morning! Once I'm ready, after a lot of faffing as I tend to forget that I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out and start watching TV again, I finally leave the house and trot on down at quite a pace to the hospital as by this time it's 10.30am and I only have half an hour before they won't take my blood anymore.

I get there with 10 minutes to spare. The weather seems to have warmed up a lot so by the time I arrive I am absolutely boiling and my once straight hair is sporting and windswept, wavy, weathered look that I can't even pass off as planned because of the good old British drizzle!

I soon get called into the nurses office for my test. Despite becoming a human pin cushion for the course of a week last year when I was ill, I don't think I will ever get used to needles. I have to look away as the nurse takes my blood, feeling just a sharp scratch and a sting as she takes the needle out.

I'm given my next prescription for my Roaccutane and I go on my way into town. The sensible girl that I am, I am carrying a huge handbag which in true Emma style is full of thing that I don't really need, I just seem to carry them around. I try to carry this in the hand of the arm which the blood has just been taken and then realise that this isn't a good idea quickly swapping to my right shoulder instead. My arm feels bruised and my left hand seems to have pins and needles so I wiggle my fingers to get the blood circulating again. I hate the after effect of blood tests.

I visit Mercury News to grab myself a chocolate bar and a bottle of water, as I still have another half an hour before I have to meet Nicola. I buy two bottles of Evian as they are two for £1 and a bar of Galaxy as by this time I am absolutely starving for 69p. Munching away on said chocolate bar I then head to Boots to get my prescription. The pharmacist there is super efficient and literally takes two seconds to put my prescription together. I pay the £7.20 and quickly leave before I start looking at makeup and lovely smellies!

Now, as I found out at Saz's yesterday, she already has the new Take That album Progress that I bought for her birthday so off to Sainsbury's I go to take it back. After waiting ages for anybody to serve me and being chatted up by a man who told me he was old enough to be my grandad at which I laugh politely and try to look in another direction, I get the £9.99 put back into my account (for the time being) and go for a quick wander around town before I go to meet Nic.

I don't buy a single thing yet again and head to Enigma to meet Nic. It's really lovely to see her and catch up over a spot of lunch. We both got for the chilli con carne on the two for £10 menu and I have an Appletiser and a glass of tap water to drink, so my bill comes to £6.30. We chat about Christmas, our plans for new year and 2011 in general which is lovely as we don't see each other often. Once we've finished our dinner we decide that it's a good idea to check out (for the second time for me) the Accessorize sale.

Again, all the beautiful accessories are sparkling away in front of me and I want to buy them all! My handbag is still in there too, but I resist the temptation as we decide that turquoise doesn't go with my coat. If I won the lottery I would own the entire shop.... but as this is still yet to happen I leave empty handed. I say goodbye to Nic and pop into Wilkinson to see my mum before I trot off home, as I am still not feeling very well.

The rest of the afternoon, which I had planned to be incredibly productive, is spent wrapped up in my IKEA blanket with a cup of tea watching The Devil Wears Prada in an attempt to feel better. What I thought yesterday was a bug on my chest has now turned into a very sore throat and a headache. By the time my folks return home I've pretty much lost my voice, something that they find hilarious!

I still manage in the evening to make it to Jo's which is only two minutes down the road with a selection of DVDs in tow where I find her, Stephen and Phil already sat watching season 1 of Miranda. It's the episode where Miranda goes on holiday to the local hotel in their town, absolutely hilarious! The episode finishes and they decide that they want to save the rest for another day so we watch The Ugly Truth, a film which I think is absolutely brilliant as I a) love Gerard Butler and b) am a child and appreciate a bit of toilet humour.

After the film has finished and we have finished perving on the rugged manliness of Gerard Butler (or Jo and I have, obviously Phil wasn't and Stephen fancied the Doctor bloke) we sit and have a wee bit of a chat while Friends plays in the background. At about 10.30pm we all realise that we're actually quite tired and decide to call it a night. So off I trot home, straight to bed to watch The Big Bang Theory in bed. I very quickly get bored of this and fall asleep listening to Jimmy Eat World's beautiful track Drugs or Me.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Bank holiday Tuesday.... not so restrained!

Can I just start by saying that I think that we should have double-wammy bank holidays all the time.... I am quite enjoying being a lady of leisure and I still have the majority of a week off! It's wonderful!

So over the Christmas period I have pretty much eaten my body weight.... as is only right for one to do so at this time of year! I would like to say that as per usual at Christmas I have also turned my bloodstream to rose wine, this would however be incorrect this year with the exception of the carnage that occurred on Christmas Eve. With the excessive calories consumed I felt it only right that I should pay a trip to the gymnasium, especially as I didn't quite make it there on Monday!

I really enjoy going to the gym.... I used to be one of these people who ate rubbish and didn't exercise at all but that all changed last year and now I really am quite addicted! I go to the Leisure Centre at least 4 or 5 times per week now to attend one form of class or another. Today however, I am feeling so frustrated. I am feeling weaker than usual and unable to train as well as normal as I can feel a bug coming on my chest! I really loathe being ill, it's such an inconvenience as I'm always busy. I can usually run for half an hour none stop, but today I struggle to do 25 minutes! I find this so irritating, especially as I want to train to do the Great North Run in 2011. Frustrated by my lack of ability today, I eventually tire and go home. Lauren is picking me up at 1pm as we are going to see Gulliver's Travels.

For once in my entire life I am actually ready on time. My time keeping is rubbish and I am usually late for everything that isn't work. When Loz picks me up, Jen and Dave are already in the car. We spend the journey chatting about our Christmas, Lauren's birthday, what we got, where we've been and what happened. Lauren, Jen and I haven't seen each other for a week which is a very rare occurrence.

When we get to the cinema I am absolutely starving so when I buy my ticket to see the film I also order a cinema hot dog (being the classy bird that I am) and a bottle of water. This all comes to the horrifying total of £14.60. Luckily, as a huge fan of Jack Black I loved the movie so it was all worth it.

On our way back to Harborough, none of us have to be anywhere until later on that evening so we decide that we should go for a wee beverage in The Cherry Tree. So I get Jen and myself a drink each (a j2O and an Appletiser) and a packet of crisps each which comes to the balue of £5.25. We spend the afternoon chatting until it's time to go home to get myself sorted to go round to Sarah's.

So off I trot home stopping by Sainsbury's on the way to get a few nibbles for the girl's night in we have planned at Sarah's. The nibbles together with a few other bits that I needed to buy, including a CD (whoops!) all come to the total of £20.94. A sizable amount that I should be a little ashamed of.

The evening is spent at Saz's drinking water and juice on mine and Sarah's parts following a rather debauched weekend, while Sarah and Cath sit drinking wine. The nibbles go down incredibly well as we watch the copy of Sex and the City 2 that I bought Sarah for Christmas. Like I said, I have eaten my bodyweight over Christmas and tonight is no exception. By the time we leave Sarah's pretty much all of the food, bar some of the kettle chips has disappeared! But I can honestly say that it was all worth it for an evening of true girliness as I love evenings with Saz, Sarah and Cath!

Monday 27 December 2010

Bank holiday Monday.... the restrained sale shopper!

I have to admit that I am quite proud of myself today when it comes to my spending.... I have spent a grand total of £12.80 and that includes lunch!

Now as I'm sure you are all very much aware, I have the ability to spend obscene amounts of money that would take a normal person all day to part with in a matter of minutes. However, today this was not the case.

Following a Boxing Day evening, on which I did not consumer any alcohol apart from an incredibly weak white wine spritzer after the shameful Christmas eve carnage that if I'm being honest is still a bit hazy, when I only spent £1.80 on a bottle of water and £5 on a taxi home I was feeling quite alert and had every intention of going to the gymnasium. Though this did not happen as just as I was about to get into my sweats to venture to the gym I received a text from Chloe asking if I'd like to go to lunch with the girls and decided that I would much rather sit in Enigma and eat more food instead, so bang went that idea!

So I get to Enigma and the girls are already there bar Nush, who arrives whilst we are all at the bar ordering, so we have a good old chin wag and catch up on the previous night's events as we usually do the morning after the night before. It's really busy in there so all five of us are crammed around the smallest table until we spot somebody leaving on a big table and literally make a run for it. We're chatting away the whole time, filling each other in on what has happened to each of us on the previous two nights out, I am still none the wiser about Friday. We also discuss the plan for our new year 'fuddle' (apparently this is a Nottingham word) at Nush's, something that we are all very excited about! Finally our food arrives and this is the only time that the five of us actually shut up!

As it's the first day of the sales after we've eaten we decide it only right to visit the Accessorize sale as everything is half price! Brilliant! Now this is something that could have been detrimental to my bank account! So many beautiful bags, purses, hats, scarves, belts, earrings and necklaces all at half price.... I find myself attracted to a turquoise tote. It's beautiful, so vibrant and it would definitely fit everything that I carry around with me on a daily basis. At £18 it's an absolute bargain! I strut around the store modelling it for the girls, they agree that it is very beautiful.

Chloe and Laura are like the little devils on my shoulder telling me to buy it, while Kate is more the voice of reason as she is really good with money, where as the other two like to shop like me! In an impulsive spell of guilt I quickly replace the bag from where I got it from, figuring that if it is meant to be then it will still be in Monsoon when I return in a few days. My bank balance is saved! However, not completely intact as I leave the store with a pair of earrings for £4, the same pair that I bought for the MHMT Christmas party and then lost one of them after a few too many glasses of rose!

We then move on to the Altered Egos sale. As I have said before, I love this shop! So many beautiful things under one roof and Stokesy, Betty and Abs are great! They are all very good at their jobs as they often get me to part with my money! The sale in there absolutely kills me, as I see most of my wardrobe has been reduced. I say this, but it doesn't upset me that much as I have had a good wear of everything that I've bought from there with the exception of a couple of party frocks that I just haven't found the occassion yet. As I already own most of the store, I come away empty handed but Laura buys a jumper at an absolute bargain price. Their sales are great if you get to head down!

As is customary to any girls trip around town, we obviously have to pay a quick visit to New Look. If I'm being honest I rarely find anything in there clothing wise that I like, but when I do I wear it to death! I am more a fan of their footwear, I bought a pair of biker boots a couple of months ago and I have pretty much lived in them! You know me, I have all these lovely clothes and shoes, then you'll mostly find me wearing band t-shirts and converse trainers or biker boots! Anyway, not overjoyed by the New Look sale we leave empty handed.

We are about to call is a day and go home when Chloe darts into Superdrug claiming that makeup could always put a smile on her face! Never has a truer word been spoken. I, however, had my makeup fix on Friday when I pretty much purchases my whole makeup bag! So the girls are looking at foundation while I take the opportunity to peruse the array of lipsalves available. This might not sound incredibly important, but when you're suffering from ridiculously dry lips because of Roaccutane lipsalve is a vital purchase. At the moment I'm getting through the stuff like it's going out of fashion. I should also take this opportunity to apologise to everybody whose glasses now have lipsalve marks on.

After much deliberation of this important decision, and a little bit of eenie-meenie-minie-mo I finally choose a tube of Carmex in cherry flavour as it has come very highly recommended for £2.49. I should add that this means that I now own 3 lipsalves and a tin of Vaseline all of which I believe are in my suitcase of a handbag, at least I'll never run out! We then decide that it's about time for us all to go home. Chlo gives me a lift back and we chat about our upcoming 'fuddle' and our plans for ice skating and firework watching!

Once I get home I'm on Facebook, something that we are all admittedly addicted to, thinking that I have no plans for the evening and about ready to get into my PJs when Jo invites me over for a girly DVD night round hers. I quickly raid my ridiculous DVD collection for a few girly classics before heading over to hers. We decide to watch Never Been Kissed, chatting while it's on about Christmas and the like.

By the end of the film we are both too mesmarized to talk and I am crying as Drew Barrymore finally gets her man.... I am such a schmuck! Realising that Eastenders is on, we decide that it's very important that we keep up to date with what's going on down Albert Square following the Christmas day, Boxing day shinanigins. I love Eastenders, I think soaps are one of life's guilty pleasures. I personally never find it depresses me, fair enough it's not a happily ever after kind of programme, but it bears no reflection on my life so I don't get all that involved! I can dip in and out of it as I please as I'm out most of the time anyway and rarely get to watch it. We re-watch the Miranda Christmas special giggling all the way home before I decide it's time to call it a day and head home to stuff my face with yet more yule log and mince pies!

Here I sit on my PC and I have not spent a single penny more today.... although I do admittedly have the Topshop website open on another tab on which I have found a gorgeous playsuit that I think I might need in my life for £50. However, this would be covered by my voucher so it's like I'm not spending anything at all! I might wait until I actually go into Topshop as I am not quite sure what size I am anymore after mission extreme weight loss! I have Jimmy Eat World playing in the background and this is not shopping music. I may have just been on the iTunes store but I did not buy anything, just the FREE 12 days of Christmas app for my iPhone. I have been and will continue to be good today!

Sunday 26 December 2010

Boxing day.... bring on another debauched night on the town!

Here I sit watching Enchanted, what I consider to be the perfect Boxing Day film, feeling rather festively plump after the biggest left over dinner known to man. There is no longer any turkey, stuffing or any remains of Christmas dinner left in the Waterfield household and I feel like I will not need to eat until at least Wednesday!

I have been excessively lazy over the last few days.... as should be only way to live at Christmas! I wake up at 10am, the whole family is already downstairs so I take the opportunity to get my dose of Winchester beauty and watch an episode of Supernatural in bed. Following this, deciding I should be more social I head downstairs where my family are watching Birds of a Feather (brilliant!) and proceed to make myself a sausage sandwich for breakfast as it is far too cold to have cereal.

We spend the morning watching telly and attempt to watch Funny People, one of Andrew's Christmas dvds which soon becomes very apparent is inappropriate for family viewing with all of the f-ing and jeffing going on.... neither my mother or Grandma were very pleased. The Railway Children is quickly put on which I leave them to watch in peace.

My Dad arrives back from his epic walk that he and Rob left at 8am for (why on Boxing Day? Mad men!) and dinner is very promptly served. A platter of cold turkey and buffet style food is a mandatory feast in the Waterfield residence on Boxing Day.... I get so carried away eating the I forget to take my tablet, pour myself a drink and pull my cracker!

After dinner I sit and have a chat with my Mum and Grandma before realising that it is time for Enchanted to start. As the rugby is on, all of the men congragate in the living room for an afternoon of manly sport viewing while I settle down in the kitchen to watch Enchanted subjecting them to bad renditions of That's How You Know and True Love's Kiss every so often.

Another huge Boxing Day tradition, I will shortly be heading out for yet another evening of debauchery with the girls because a) it is Christmas and b) it is the 28th anniversary of Miss Sarah Butlin's birth. So far today I have spent no money, I do not intend to spend an awful lot tonight as I don't think I should drink what with my next blood test being on Wednesday.... famous last words. I'm sure that I'll probably be updating this tomorrow to say that I decided that it was a good idea to have a couple of cocktails at The Oat Hill as they are mostly fruit juice and good for me or I decided that a small glass of rose wouldn't hurt.

Speaking of which.... I'm due at a house party in a couple of hours so I should actually think about what I am going to wear.

Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas day.... I'm sure I could find a way to spend money!

So today is Christmas day.... I woke up at about 8.30am still drunk from the night before and with an incredibly hazy memory of the night's events. Classy as I ever, I was still wearing last night's makeup, still had tape stuck to me where I had glued my dress in place and a bruise on my bum which I am still none the wiser to how it got there!

Anyway, I quickly composed myself. All make up was removed, I brushed my hair so I looked ever so slightly presentable, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs where everyone else was already waiting to open presents. This year (as with many years) I have been really spoilt.... as far as I knew I was getting tickets to see Take That and Foo Fighters which is absolutely fine by me. I love going to concerts and those two will actually make my life next year! I have been waiting for those gigs for ages and when they were announced within the same week I was so excited that I could've cried! I'm quite happy to sit and watch everyone else open their presents knowing that I have something amazing to look forward to next summer. Little did I know that my mother had a few surprises up her sleeve.

I am now the very proud and lucky owner of the following:
  • Robbie Williams - In and Out of Consciousness: Greatest hits 1990-2010
  • Take That - Progress (Thanks Auntie Jane!)
  • Supernatural Season 5 boxset (Winchesters.... whoop!)
  • Jimmy Eat World - Futures (I already had it on iTunes but I wanted the CD for in the car when I pass my driving test)
  • Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American (Same)
  • Jimmy Eat World - Chase the Light
  • Olly Murs album
  • Take That calendar
  • Converse trainers (mine died so obviously this is amazing as I live in them)
  • Sex and the City 2 dvd
  • Thomas Sabo sneaker charm (very me!)
  • A colour your own snowman cookie jar (thanks Rach!)
  • Body Shop Cocoa Butter smellies (very handy with current dry skin situation from tablets)
  • A ticket to see The Saturdays (so excited Jen!)
  • A social butterfly which glass (love it Stephen!)
  • Marley and Me dvd (thanks Phil!)
  • PJ bottoms
  • A 2011 diary covered in shoes
  • Some slipper booties (thanks Santa!)
  • A hand warmer (much needed Rach!)
  • A topshop voucher from work (they are very good to me!)
  • Some kinder chocolate (which as you can probably guess.... didn't last long Rach!)
  • Some mini eggs

So yeah, I've been very spoilt today! So the woozy effect starts to subside and the hangover starts to kick in.... I feel like I've pickled my stomach, not the best feeling on Christmas day. My Grandma and Uncle arrive and we open more presents and settle down to watch Singing in the Rain while Dad cooks dinner. Christmas dinner is my favourite dinner of the year.... it's always a very exciting event in our house.

So while dinner is cooking I put all of my CDs onto my iTunes (obviously a very important job) and decide to check out the Amazon sale. The camera I've had my beady little eye on has gone up by £30 so I decide against it, checking out the prices of the boxsets I've wanted like Grey's Anatomy Season 5 and Ugly Betty Season 3.... I come away empty handed without spending any money, something that is very impressive for me!

Music is a contraversial topic at dinner as I subject my family to Take That.... something that me, Mum and Grandma love but Andrew hates with a passion! We ignore his protest as dinner is served and we are not disappointed this year, my Dad has surpassed himself. We're all still eating when the Queen's speech is on so of course in true family tradition (much to Andrew and Uncle Mike's disgust) we watch together in silence as we eat.

After dinner much to my delight Shrek the Third is on so I make the whole family watch is as I love the Shrek movies. However, following the events of last night I am very tired and like the old lady that I seem to have turned into in my mid-twenties I promptly fall asleep in front of the telly woken only by the promise of chocolate pudding for dessert an hour later!

At tea time my Nanna and Grandad come round, when more presents are given, everyone else tucks into a sandwich but I am still far too full from lunchtime. We all sit down to watch Dr Who and Eastenders together. Then we watch The Royale Family Christmas special when I finally decide that I might be able to manage a sandwich.... and fruit cocktail and a slice of yule log! It is Christmas after all!

We have a tradition in our family that we all save a small present for after tea which is hidden away in a stocking. This is always fab.... my surprise is the Olly Murs albums and I am dead chuffed with it! It's been a lovely day and so far I have spend no money, not even on iTunes or Amazon.... well done me!

Christmas eve.... total and utter carnage!

First of all.... Merry Christmas everybody! I hope that you've all had a fab fun day eating, drinking and generally being merry!

So here I am.... back on the blogging again as this time I really do need to stick with it and sort my life out as I am beyond skint and if I'm being honest in the past couple of months I have been absolutely terrible whilst I haven't been keeping track! I have again lapsed into being quite the social butterfly again going out at every opportunity, bought a hell of a lot of new clothes that I didn't need and my music collection has gone from excessive to ridiculous!

I figure that as my new years resolution is to sort out my money situation then there is no time like the present to start updating my blog on my silly spending being as I got paid yesterday.

So anyway my Christmas eve went like this. After being awoken on Thursday at 9.30am by a phone call from Dad asking if I can go and get something from him to Mum (he does this every year) I trotted off into town armed with the £30 that he had given me for her gift. I had of course prepared for such an event and had previously asked Mum what she wanted.... this is how to get your Christmas shopping done in half an hour!

The first place I visit is Wilkinsons, I am aware that I shouldn't buy my mother presents from her place of work but this is where I had been told to go. She requested Britney Spears Fantasy perfume and some Baileys, little did I know that Dad had already bought some Baileys so she now has two bottles! The perfume came to £15 from Wilkinsons, then I head to Boots to visit Jenny and give her Christmas present and the money that I owe her from JLS on Tuesday.... yes we are cool!

I love Boots.... so many lovely potions and makeup bits under one roof! Jen's really busy so I leave her present and money with her and head to the makeup counter as I am running out of foundation, mascara and cover up - something that is obviously very important and could be traumatic if I actually ran out giving the current state of my skin! I buy said items which come to around £35 - I am a makeup snob and only buy No.7, plus my skins so sensitive I have to stick to what I know. So once I've had a quick chat to Graham I then promptly leave before I attempt to buy the rest of the shop!

I now head to Tesco to buy the bottle of Bailey's that my mother has requested for Christmas and it is hell on earth! You can't move for people! Christmas eve shoppers amaze me.... because the supermarkets are closed for one day they seem to think it appropriate to stock up as if we're all going to be snowed in for weeks! Anyway, while I'm there I pick up a dvd for Saz's Christmas present of Sex and the City 2, Mum's Bailey's and a bottle of wine to take to Jess' that evening to have with dinner, all of which comes to about £35.

I am then left with 10 minutes before I have to go and meet Sarah for lunch so I pop into New Look (as you do) to see if there is anything exciting in the sales. There really isn't.... I don't know why I looked as I cannot bare sale shopping! Sale racks are the worst.... if it's not jumping out at me then I'm not buying it! Stores like TK Maxx make me anxious as they are such a mess and I quickly have to leave, they upset me a lot! Anyway, I leave New Look empty handed.

Sarah is running late so I decide its best to go to Monsoon to see if they have any nice earrings to go with the gorgeous dresses that I have recently purchased for when I'm off out later on.... obviously they do but none of them are right. So by the time I'm out of there Saz has arrived and I drag her up to Dorothy Perkins to see if they have any earrings that will suit. I find a black sparkly pair for £4 and a pair of big diamante studs for £4 which I of course buy both. By this point we are starving, especially as I didn't eat breakfast, so off we trot up to the Golden Orchid thai restaurant in town for some grub.

Christmas eve lunch has become a bit of a tradition for me and Sarah, it is now mandatory to have a bottle of wine over lunch. They have a fab new lunchtime menu which is an absolute bargain.... for £6.50 we got thai green chicken curry, rice and duck spring rolls. The food is gorgeous too! Any sides that you want are only £1.50 too so of course being the foodies that we are we have 4 of those too. We have a fab catch up, talking careers, weddings and general girly stuff and our bill only comes to £16 each.... which is fab.

By the time we leave the wine has gone to our heads and we're a little bit giggly so we wander down to see our friend Sarah in Jacks. As she is busy our visit is cut short and it's time to go home to get ready for my big night on the town with the girls. It's really cold and I'm already carrying 2 big bottles so I decide to get a taxi home costing me £4.50.

Anyway, the next couple of hours are spent beautifying, fighting with my hair and deciding which dress I should actually wear! I love having so many lovely clothes but it's a nightmare when it comes to actually going out. Anyway, I settle on my new Rare dress which is one shouldered with a huge batwing (which my brother says reminds him of Batman's Batplane.... nice!) and a diamante detail on the shoulder. Nush picks me up at 6pm and we head to Jess' to begin our evening of carnage in a more lady like manner of dinner and drinks.

I am currently limited with the amount of alcohol I can have, at 5 glasses of wine per week this has proved very difficult at Christmas and we have come up with a few rules to bend it a little bit. Of course with all of my Christmas dos, meals and lunch with Sarah I have already consumed my 5 for the week so from the offset it was not looking good.

So dinner is really nice, our stomachs are lines, we've had a couple of glasses of wine and we head into town to meet the girlies. I proceed to carry on drinking the wine while I sit and chat to my theatre friends before they all head home to start their Christmas'. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur.... I know I didn't mix my drinks but there was more wine involved and I did have a really good night but lets just say I won't be drinking that much on my meds again! I am £25 poorer from a night that I was supposed to be on the soft drinks! Whoops!

I remember dancing to Mariah Carey and chatting to a few old faces but that's pretty much it.... so it was a very merry Christmas!