Wednesday 29 December 2010

Bank holiday Tuesday.... not so restrained!

Can I just start by saying that I think that we should have double-wammy bank holidays all the time.... I am quite enjoying being a lady of leisure and I still have the majority of a week off! It's wonderful!

So over the Christmas period I have pretty much eaten my body weight.... as is only right for one to do so at this time of year! I would like to say that as per usual at Christmas I have also turned my bloodstream to rose wine, this would however be incorrect this year with the exception of the carnage that occurred on Christmas Eve. With the excessive calories consumed I felt it only right that I should pay a trip to the gymnasium, especially as I didn't quite make it there on Monday!

I really enjoy going to the gym.... I used to be one of these people who ate rubbish and didn't exercise at all but that all changed last year and now I really am quite addicted! I go to the Leisure Centre at least 4 or 5 times per week now to attend one form of class or another. Today however, I am feeling so frustrated. I am feeling weaker than usual and unable to train as well as normal as I can feel a bug coming on my chest! I really loathe being ill, it's such an inconvenience as I'm always busy. I can usually run for half an hour none stop, but today I struggle to do 25 minutes! I find this so irritating, especially as I want to train to do the Great North Run in 2011. Frustrated by my lack of ability today, I eventually tire and go home. Lauren is picking me up at 1pm as we are going to see Gulliver's Travels.

For once in my entire life I am actually ready on time. My time keeping is rubbish and I am usually late for everything that isn't work. When Loz picks me up, Jen and Dave are already in the car. We spend the journey chatting about our Christmas, Lauren's birthday, what we got, where we've been and what happened. Lauren, Jen and I haven't seen each other for a week which is a very rare occurrence.

When we get to the cinema I am absolutely starving so when I buy my ticket to see the film I also order a cinema hot dog (being the classy bird that I am) and a bottle of water. This all comes to the horrifying total of £14.60. Luckily, as a huge fan of Jack Black I loved the movie so it was all worth it.

On our way back to Harborough, none of us have to be anywhere until later on that evening so we decide that we should go for a wee beverage in The Cherry Tree. So I get Jen and myself a drink each (a j2O and an Appletiser) and a packet of crisps each which comes to the balue of £5.25. We spend the afternoon chatting until it's time to go home to get myself sorted to go round to Sarah's.

So off I trot home stopping by Sainsbury's on the way to get a few nibbles for the girl's night in we have planned at Sarah's. The nibbles together with a few other bits that I needed to buy, including a CD (whoops!) all come to the total of £20.94. A sizable amount that I should be a little ashamed of.

The evening is spent at Saz's drinking water and juice on mine and Sarah's parts following a rather debauched weekend, while Sarah and Cath sit drinking wine. The nibbles go down incredibly well as we watch the copy of Sex and the City 2 that I bought Sarah for Christmas. Like I said, I have eaten my bodyweight over Christmas and tonight is no exception. By the time we leave Sarah's pretty much all of the food, bar some of the kettle chips has disappeared! But I can honestly say that it was all worth it for an evening of true girliness as I love evenings with Saz, Sarah and Cath!

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