Monday 27 December 2010

Bank holiday Monday.... the restrained sale shopper!

I have to admit that I am quite proud of myself today when it comes to my spending.... I have spent a grand total of £12.80 and that includes lunch!

Now as I'm sure you are all very much aware, I have the ability to spend obscene amounts of money that would take a normal person all day to part with in a matter of minutes. However, today this was not the case.

Following a Boxing Day evening, on which I did not consumer any alcohol apart from an incredibly weak white wine spritzer after the shameful Christmas eve carnage that if I'm being honest is still a bit hazy, when I only spent £1.80 on a bottle of water and £5 on a taxi home I was feeling quite alert and had every intention of going to the gymnasium. Though this did not happen as just as I was about to get into my sweats to venture to the gym I received a text from Chloe asking if I'd like to go to lunch with the girls and decided that I would much rather sit in Enigma and eat more food instead, so bang went that idea!

So I get to Enigma and the girls are already there bar Nush, who arrives whilst we are all at the bar ordering, so we have a good old chin wag and catch up on the previous night's events as we usually do the morning after the night before. It's really busy in there so all five of us are crammed around the smallest table until we spot somebody leaving on a big table and literally make a run for it. We're chatting away the whole time, filling each other in on what has happened to each of us on the previous two nights out, I am still none the wiser about Friday. We also discuss the plan for our new year 'fuddle' (apparently this is a Nottingham word) at Nush's, something that we are all very excited about! Finally our food arrives and this is the only time that the five of us actually shut up!

As it's the first day of the sales after we've eaten we decide it only right to visit the Accessorize sale as everything is half price! Brilliant! Now this is something that could have been detrimental to my bank account! So many beautiful bags, purses, hats, scarves, belts, earrings and necklaces all at half price.... I find myself attracted to a turquoise tote. It's beautiful, so vibrant and it would definitely fit everything that I carry around with me on a daily basis. At £18 it's an absolute bargain! I strut around the store modelling it for the girls, they agree that it is very beautiful.

Chloe and Laura are like the little devils on my shoulder telling me to buy it, while Kate is more the voice of reason as she is really good with money, where as the other two like to shop like me! In an impulsive spell of guilt I quickly replace the bag from where I got it from, figuring that if it is meant to be then it will still be in Monsoon when I return in a few days. My bank balance is saved! However, not completely intact as I leave the store with a pair of earrings for £4, the same pair that I bought for the MHMT Christmas party and then lost one of them after a few too many glasses of rose!

We then move on to the Altered Egos sale. As I have said before, I love this shop! So many beautiful things under one roof and Stokesy, Betty and Abs are great! They are all very good at their jobs as they often get me to part with my money! The sale in there absolutely kills me, as I see most of my wardrobe has been reduced. I say this, but it doesn't upset me that much as I have had a good wear of everything that I've bought from there with the exception of a couple of party frocks that I just haven't found the occassion yet. As I already own most of the store, I come away empty handed but Laura buys a jumper at an absolute bargain price. Their sales are great if you get to head down!

As is customary to any girls trip around town, we obviously have to pay a quick visit to New Look. If I'm being honest I rarely find anything in there clothing wise that I like, but when I do I wear it to death! I am more a fan of their footwear, I bought a pair of biker boots a couple of months ago and I have pretty much lived in them! You know me, I have all these lovely clothes and shoes, then you'll mostly find me wearing band t-shirts and converse trainers or biker boots! Anyway, not overjoyed by the New Look sale we leave empty handed.

We are about to call is a day and go home when Chloe darts into Superdrug claiming that makeup could always put a smile on her face! Never has a truer word been spoken. I, however, had my makeup fix on Friday when I pretty much purchases my whole makeup bag! So the girls are looking at foundation while I take the opportunity to peruse the array of lipsalves available. This might not sound incredibly important, but when you're suffering from ridiculously dry lips because of Roaccutane lipsalve is a vital purchase. At the moment I'm getting through the stuff like it's going out of fashion. I should also take this opportunity to apologise to everybody whose glasses now have lipsalve marks on.

After much deliberation of this important decision, and a little bit of eenie-meenie-minie-mo I finally choose a tube of Carmex in cherry flavour as it has come very highly recommended for £2.49. I should add that this means that I now own 3 lipsalves and a tin of Vaseline all of which I believe are in my suitcase of a handbag, at least I'll never run out! We then decide that it's about time for us all to go home. Chlo gives me a lift back and we chat about our upcoming 'fuddle' and our plans for ice skating and firework watching!

Once I get home I'm on Facebook, something that we are all admittedly addicted to, thinking that I have no plans for the evening and about ready to get into my PJs when Jo invites me over for a girly DVD night round hers. I quickly raid my ridiculous DVD collection for a few girly classics before heading over to hers. We decide to watch Never Been Kissed, chatting while it's on about Christmas and the like.

By the end of the film we are both too mesmarized to talk and I am crying as Drew Barrymore finally gets her man.... I am such a schmuck! Realising that Eastenders is on, we decide that it's very important that we keep up to date with what's going on down Albert Square following the Christmas day, Boxing day shinanigins. I love Eastenders, I think soaps are one of life's guilty pleasures. I personally never find it depresses me, fair enough it's not a happily ever after kind of programme, but it bears no reflection on my life so I don't get all that involved! I can dip in and out of it as I please as I'm out most of the time anyway and rarely get to watch it. We re-watch the Miranda Christmas special giggling all the way home before I decide it's time to call it a day and head home to stuff my face with yet more yule log and mince pies!

Here I sit on my PC and I have not spent a single penny more today.... although I do admittedly have the Topshop website open on another tab on which I have found a gorgeous playsuit that I think I might need in my life for £50. However, this would be covered by my voucher so it's like I'm not spending anything at all! I might wait until I actually go into Topshop as I am not quite sure what size I am anymore after mission extreme weight loss! I have Jimmy Eat World playing in the background and this is not shopping music. I may have just been on the iTunes store but I did not buy anything, just the FREE 12 days of Christmas app for my iPhone. I have been and will continue to be good today!

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