Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas eve.... total and utter carnage!

First of all.... Merry Christmas everybody! I hope that you've all had a fab fun day eating, drinking and generally being merry!

So here I am.... back on the blogging again as this time I really do need to stick with it and sort my life out as I am beyond skint and if I'm being honest in the past couple of months I have been absolutely terrible whilst I haven't been keeping track! I have again lapsed into being quite the social butterfly again going out at every opportunity, bought a hell of a lot of new clothes that I didn't need and my music collection has gone from excessive to ridiculous!

I figure that as my new years resolution is to sort out my money situation then there is no time like the present to start updating my blog on my silly spending being as I got paid yesterday.

So anyway my Christmas eve went like this. After being awoken on Thursday at 9.30am by a phone call from Dad asking if I can go and get something from him to Mum (he does this every year) I trotted off into town armed with the £30 that he had given me for her gift. I had of course prepared for such an event and had previously asked Mum what she wanted.... this is how to get your Christmas shopping done in half an hour!

The first place I visit is Wilkinsons, I am aware that I shouldn't buy my mother presents from her place of work but this is where I had been told to go. She requested Britney Spears Fantasy perfume and some Baileys, little did I know that Dad had already bought some Baileys so she now has two bottles! The perfume came to £15 from Wilkinsons, then I head to Boots to visit Jenny and give her Christmas present and the money that I owe her from JLS on Tuesday.... yes we are cool!

I love Boots.... so many lovely potions and makeup bits under one roof! Jen's really busy so I leave her present and money with her and head to the makeup counter as I am running out of foundation, mascara and cover up - something that is obviously very important and could be traumatic if I actually ran out giving the current state of my skin! I buy said items which come to around £35 - I am a makeup snob and only buy No.7, plus my skins so sensitive I have to stick to what I know. So once I've had a quick chat to Graham I then promptly leave before I attempt to buy the rest of the shop!

I now head to Tesco to buy the bottle of Bailey's that my mother has requested for Christmas and it is hell on earth! You can't move for people! Christmas eve shoppers amaze me.... because the supermarkets are closed for one day they seem to think it appropriate to stock up as if we're all going to be snowed in for weeks! Anyway, while I'm there I pick up a dvd for Saz's Christmas present of Sex and the City 2, Mum's Bailey's and a bottle of wine to take to Jess' that evening to have with dinner, all of which comes to about £35.

I am then left with 10 minutes before I have to go and meet Sarah for lunch so I pop into New Look (as you do) to see if there is anything exciting in the sales. There really isn't.... I don't know why I looked as I cannot bare sale shopping! Sale racks are the worst.... if it's not jumping out at me then I'm not buying it! Stores like TK Maxx make me anxious as they are such a mess and I quickly have to leave, they upset me a lot! Anyway, I leave New Look empty handed.

Sarah is running late so I decide its best to go to Monsoon to see if they have any nice earrings to go with the gorgeous dresses that I have recently purchased for when I'm off out later on.... obviously they do but none of them are right. So by the time I'm out of there Saz has arrived and I drag her up to Dorothy Perkins to see if they have any earrings that will suit. I find a black sparkly pair for £4 and a pair of big diamante studs for £4 which I of course buy both. By this point we are starving, especially as I didn't eat breakfast, so off we trot up to the Golden Orchid thai restaurant in town for some grub.

Christmas eve lunch has become a bit of a tradition for me and Sarah, it is now mandatory to have a bottle of wine over lunch. They have a fab new lunchtime menu which is an absolute bargain.... for £6.50 we got thai green chicken curry, rice and duck spring rolls. The food is gorgeous too! Any sides that you want are only £1.50 too so of course being the foodies that we are we have 4 of those too. We have a fab catch up, talking careers, weddings and general girly stuff and our bill only comes to £16 each.... which is fab.

By the time we leave the wine has gone to our heads and we're a little bit giggly so we wander down to see our friend Sarah in Jacks. As she is busy our visit is cut short and it's time to go home to get ready for my big night on the town with the girls. It's really cold and I'm already carrying 2 big bottles so I decide to get a taxi home costing me £4.50.

Anyway, the next couple of hours are spent beautifying, fighting with my hair and deciding which dress I should actually wear! I love having so many lovely clothes but it's a nightmare when it comes to actually going out. Anyway, I settle on my new Rare dress which is one shouldered with a huge batwing (which my brother says reminds him of Batman's Batplane.... nice!) and a diamante detail on the shoulder. Nush picks me up at 6pm and we head to Jess' to begin our evening of carnage in a more lady like manner of dinner and drinks.

I am currently limited with the amount of alcohol I can have, at 5 glasses of wine per week this has proved very difficult at Christmas and we have come up with a few rules to bend it a little bit. Of course with all of my Christmas dos, meals and lunch with Sarah I have already consumed my 5 for the week so from the offset it was not looking good.

So dinner is really nice, our stomachs are lines, we've had a couple of glasses of wine and we head into town to meet the girlies. I proceed to carry on drinking the wine while I sit and chat to my theatre friends before they all head home to start their Christmas'. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur.... I know I didn't mix my drinks but there was more wine involved and I did have a really good night but lets just say I won't be drinking that much on my meds again! I am £25 poorer from a night that I was supposed to be on the soft drinks! Whoops!

I remember dancing to Mariah Carey and chatting to a few old faces but that's pretty much it.... so it was a very merry Christmas!

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