Monday 27 September 2010

Day 27: Ladies what lunch....

Today was the first day back to work after my holiday and it's actually been a really lovely day. Got to work early as I knew this week would be busy, plus I need to catch up on what had happened in the week that I was away.

So, I left the house pretty early this morning at about 8.10am so that I would be at work by 8.30am to get a head start on everything. Braving the wind and the rain (that rubbish kind of rain that doesn't feel like anything but soaks you through) I walk to the office stopping off at Tesco on the way to buy breakfast for me and Tamara (chocolate coissants £1), my daily chocolate fix (Galaxy bar 52p.... FYI they do not sell these in Portugal!) and a pack of chewing gum.... so that's about £2.10 gone!

I am very pleased to say that today I got my iPhone back, at last! After having two disaster iPhone's I am hoping and praying that this one will last.... I just need to make sure that I do not drop it this time!

So anyway, the morning goes incredibly quickly, I'm all caught up on the weekly goings on, I start to actually remember what it is that I do and getting back to everything that I was setting up before I went swanning off for a week. Tamara has organised for us to go to lunch with Liz who used to work with us, which is fab! Liz is a lovely klady who will very soon be bidding farewell to the grey skies of Blighty and hello to the Spanish sunshine when she moves out to their house in Spain next month! I am incredibly jealous!

We had planned to pay a visit to Toro Latino, the tapas just around the corner from the office as we are big fans, although we have now discovered that they now only open at lunchtime once a week. This does not fill us with joy. Instead we decide to trot on down to Pizza Express for a bite to eat and a catch up. So I quickly scour the internet for money saving vouchers and print one off which entitles us to one of our mains for just £1.... bargain!

Now, I am a big fan of Pizza Express and since the Market Harborough branch has opened this is only my third visit. Being as it opened at the end of June this is very good for me! The girls are not wanting starters but in my book you can't go to Pizza Express without having dough balls. So I order a portion and devoir all eight to myself as when offered both Liz and Tamara declined.... but I am not ashamed!

All three of us have the same pasta dish as a main, Pollo Pesto and it is just divine! All washed down with a chilled glass of Appletiser (another addiction of mine as I can't drink Coke anymore) my lunch comes to £10 when we split the bill.

I spend the afternoon feeling slightly guilty for my calorie fest and even though I have the urge to make myself some Weetabix as a healthy snack I resist, hell bent on burning everything that I have eaten in my torturous Spinning class this evening.

I leave the office just after 5.40pm and head for the Leisure Centre ready for my 45 minutes of torture ahead. Of course, in my usual characteristic style I am running late and being the disorganised little madam that I am, I have forgotten my water bottle and do not have any change at all for the lockers.

I end up having to change a fiver and using £1 of that to buy a bottle of water from the vending machine at the Leisure Centre before running into the class and barely having tome to set up my bike properly. Obviously I set it up wrong, leading to the most uncomfortable work out session ever and because I have chosen a bike with no water holder my bottle falls on the floor several times throughout the work out causing me to dismount several times.... not the best!

Luckily Body Balance afterwards is very chilled and flies by so before I know it hometime has arrived. It's the time I look forward to the most.... dinnertime! Now I am aware that I ate a rather sizeable lunch but I have worked hard so I make Mum and I a prawn stirfry and sit down to eat it in front of One Tree Hill.... my favourite thing about a Monday!

I am proud to say that I have updated my new iPhone and I have done no internet shopping, real life shopping or bought any albums on iTunes today.... although I have just seen that Jimmy Eat World and Friendly Fires have new albums, so I may well need those in my life! Maybe I will wait and see how much money I have spare before I buy them though as this month I have quite a lot going on what with the show and everything.... but maybe if I don't go out I can get them?! Yeah that'll never happen!

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