Sunday 5 September 2010

Day 3: horribly hungover

Ok so I had every intention of going to Body Combat and Body Pump Saturday morning but obviously being the morning after the night before that really didn't happen as I woke up 10 minutes before the classes were going to start.... whoops! If I'm being perfectly honest after ingesting that much alcohol the last thing I wanted to do was get fighting fit. After just four hours sleep I didn't really want to do anything, just wallow in my self inflicted state.

I had however, already promised the girls that I would go for a walk down the old railway line with them to take Kate's dog Millie for a walk. So after moping around the house, feeling a little bit sorry for myself I eventually pulled myself together, drank lots of water to stop my pounding head and trotted on down to meet them.

Now it is my experience that every bad hangover can be cured by sugar hit so I decide to grab myself my usual Galaxy bar from the petrol station and two bottles of Volvic (one is just never enough) which came to £2.07.

So, once we're actually walking I start to feel much better and the walk is no way near as hard I had imagined it would be. Jenny, Kate, Nush and I are having our usual girly chats/gossip/catch-up/random conversations (some of the things we talk about are just plain bizarre) when we come to Waterloo Farm which is about two miles up and decide to stop for a cuppa. Jen has literally only brought her lovely self with her so I offer to buy her tea for her, knowing that she would definitely want one. For her cup of tea and my carton of apple juice the total was about £1.60, which I don't think was bad.... thinking we were going to have a picnic I'd already made up a tuna pasta salad which I promptly tucked into, everyone else had failed to tell me that they had already eaten. By this time it was 3pm and I was starving!

So we're at Waterloo Farm for quite a while, just sat chatting and putting off the two mile trek back to Market Harborough for as long as possible. It is a really lovely place, there is a little fishing lake and a craft shop as well as the cafe, its so peaceful and the surroundings are beautiful.

Eventually we think it's probably best if we head back and have mustered up the energy for the two mile walk ahead. It goes much quicker than on the way as we're all chatting and laughing as usual.

I leave the girls and come home, without spending anymore money, for a bit of a chill out and tidy the house before Jen comes over for a night in and a takeaway in front of X Factor.... something new for us!

We settle down for a delightful Indian takeaway, chicken korma, pillar rice, naan bread and poppadoms, while observing our weekly ritual. Jen and I decided that a curry was in order as we hadn't had a Shagorika for ages and it's our fave. This however, was not cheap at £12.50 each, but we had Chinese two weeks ago and pizza last week so we figured a change was in order.

Anyway, it seems like all this excitement was all too much for me and I fell asleep in the recliner at 10.30pm, so Jenny left me to it. I'm just not hardcore anymore.... but on the spending front it was not a bad days work!

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