Monday 6 September 2010

Day 5: Home alone....

So I woke up this morning after a rather difficult nights sleep.... I had some really horrible dreams, most of which I can't remember now and I kept waking up with muscle ache and tension in my shoulders. The alarm goes off and I immediately hit snooze because I am really not ready to be waking up.... not only because of the bad dreams but also because I may have stayed up to watch The Waterboy on TV. I love it!

So eventually I do get up, jump in the shower and start to begin to feel ever so slightly human. I turn the old iPhone on for a few tunes while I'm getting ready and the first song I hear is 'Sweet Disposition' by The Temper Trap. I love this song, when I hear it I just instantly feel happy and lifted. It's going to be a good day.

I do however, seem to be having a bad hair day today. So I straighten it and pull my fringe to the side in a quiff, wack on my blue Religion t-shirt dress with my Converse trainers (again), grab my gym kit and head for the door.

My walk to work passes in a sea of daydreams amongst the tunes that are playing on my iPhone. As soon as I get into town I head to Tesco to buy some breakfast (as it seems that there was no bread left in the Waterfield household today) and my lunch for the next couple of days. The total of the bill comes to about £6.50ish, which if you count what I bought is actually alright:
  • 1 bag of British salad leaves - £1.00
  • 1 tub of cherry tomatoes - £1.07
  • 1 carton of fresh prawns - £2
  • 1 helmans Thousand Island salad dressing - £1.08
  • 1 pack of Finest pain au chocolats - £1.29
  • 1 Galaxy bar 52p

To be fair, the salad and everything that I have bought for lunch will actually do for lunch for two days, so that means that I won't be buying lunch tomorrow. That's money saved, right?!

So I get to work and it's the day of Creative Head's Most Wanted Awards which the girls are going to. Several of our clients are up for awards and it's always an exciting night - I love to hear how it went the next day. So that means that I'll be on my own in the office as of lunchtime. This is usually when my shopping habits get the better of me.

With no one for company but the tunes on my iPhone it tends to get terribly lonely.... so off I trot into town to get some fresh air and hopefully see a friendly face or two. If I'm being perfectly honest, I don't know where I want or need to go.... I just know that I need to get away from my computer for a little while.

First stop is Monsoon.... possibly not the best place to start. I peruse the accessories as I love Accessorize! I'm surrounded by beautiful bags, necklaces, earrings, shoes.... everything and I want it all. In particular I want a gorgeous large black handbag that is hanging just above my head.... mine is a little bit worse for wear having been used day in, day out for the last 2 years. I then decide that if it's not for my holiday then I do not need it. What on earth am I going to do with a black handbag in the Algarve?! I promptly leave so that I don't change my mind.... but not before I have a quick look at the posh frocks. With two weddings to attend next year I need to get an idea of dresses obviously!

My next visit is to Dorothy Perkins.... I love coming here, not only for the clothes but because my friends are here! Today I'm thinking I'll have a little look at what's in there as I haven't actually been in for ages.... as is usually the case these days I am not tempted by a single item. Not shoes, not clothes, nothing.... what on earth is going on?! I have a quick chat to Mary and Rae but leave empty handed.

I'm feeling a tad naughty, so I pay a visit to Altered Egos to see if there is anything new in there that I don't already own. I have a quick chat to Claire, Betty and Abs before sauntering upstairs to see what wonders are in store. There is a lovely, lovely Ted Baker dress but at £119 this is not something that I will be buying in the not so distant future. My new philosophy is if I leave it and I'm still thinking about it a week later then maybe it is meant to be but I don't love this dress enough to spend that amount of money ont it. There are things that I need so much more on my return from holiday like new trainers and sportswear.

So then I visit Sarah in Jacks to tell her about my self control and to hear all about her weekend in Brighton.... at this point I am incredibly proud of myself! I have been into several clothes shops and have emerged with nothing!

The afternoon passes rather quickly with a flurry of jobs that need doing in the office and before I know it 5.30pm is here. Sarah meets me out of work to walk up together as I'm heading to the Leisure Centre to go Spinning. Yes, I go Spinning.... I have taken it up in my mad panic to shed a few more lbs in the last twelve days before holiday. I am currently cardio mad!

I sit here now a literally broken woman and my legs refuse to work after I have put them through a 45 minute Spinning class, followed by 45 minutes of Body Balance. The scary thing is that I'm going back to do it all again tomorrow with 50 minutes in the gym followed by an hour of Body Combat.... I will look like a bikini clad goddess on holiday! Well, I'll at least try!

So how have I done today?! Pretty well actually.... I haven't spent any money since this morning! I feel quite proud!

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