Wednesday 8 September 2010

Day 7: A little Starbucks treat....

I think I'm getting the hang of this spending less Millarky now.... today I take some of Daddy Waterfield's homemade leek, bacon and potato soup and a bread roll to work for my lunch. So today I have bought the following om my daily visit to Tesco:
  • 1 pack of pain au chocolats £1.00 (1 of which is still left as Tamara didn't want hers so that's tomorrow's breaky sorted!)
  • 1 Galaxy Bar 52p

So that's a total of £1.52 spent in Tesco.... not bad!

At lunchtime I meet Jenny in Starby's for a catch up coffee. I decide it's time for a treat so I try a Caramel Macchiato for £3.15, which I have to say is delightful! I resist the temptation to buy a cake as everytime I have cake and coffee from there I seem to feel sick!

So we have a lovely lunchtime catch up and chat, sharing gossip and filling each other in on the weeks events. We haven't seen each other since Saturday.... obviously a lot has happened since then! Before we know it lunchtime is over and it's time to get back to work.

I spend the afternoon writing a piece about Christmas Party styles. I actually love feature writing.... it's my favourite part of my job! I wish my hair was longer so that I too could do my hair in such wonderful ways!

Anyway, after work I head to the Leisure Centre where I realise that I a) do not have £1 for a locker and b) have left my water bottle at home! Well done Em! So I have to change a £10 note to get change for the locker and then have to spend £1 on a bottle of water. I need to learn to be more organised!

So that's a total of £5.67 spent.

I have just put myself through an hour of Body Attack then 45 minutes of Body Balance so my legs are burning. The things I do for my holiday! Time for bed me thinks.... night kids!

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